I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him. Ps. 40: 1-3
From the Pit to the Palace

Abigail Neilson, from her earliest days, has walked an incredibly hard road in life. Most of us would have crumbled, given in, become a significant substance abuser, and then probably would have landed up committing suicide. Abigail has managed to turn a virtually impossible life around and not only survive, but thrive. Her life story is a challenge to anyone who complains about how hard life is to live. She hasn’t given in, given up or just survived. Through the kiss of God’s Grace on her life and through the power of the Holy Spirit, Abigail has changed – radically changed and despite living with the consequences of many poor decisions made in desperate moments, she has overcome, pushed forward and is a winner.
She writes with a riveting style; you won’t be able to put this book down once you get into it. Her writing and communicating ability are proof of the fact that you can be a gifted writer without much of an education. She tells her story of tragedy and triumph, of pain and perseverance, of brokenness and wholeness, of falling and getting up, of darkness and light, of despair and hope and not knowing God and then finding Him in a powerful way.
Abigail is still learning and growing. Like all of us, she does not have it all right yet but in her life long quest for meaning, she has found that knowing Jesus Christ as her Saviour has changed so much. She is emerging as a woman of dignity and one who won’t give up seeking to do what is right.
I have known Abigail now for 11 years and am amazed at her growth. This is someone’s journey you need to understand because, in doing so, you will either become grateful that your life journey has had little pain compared to hers or you will find hope that you can get through your broken life. Read the book and find the Life she has found.
Reverend John V Thomas
Chairperson: Living Hope
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