In recognition of International Women’s Day, I want to pay tribute to my mentor and spiritual mother Rae Leeman, an amazing woman of substance who is now in glory with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This photo was taken in April 2016, the day I received the first printed copies of my book “From The Pit To The Palace – A Story Of Redemption”!
Rae played a pivotal role in this book being written and published. Amongst other things, she encouraged me to write the book, and through her thoughtfulness, made me aware of the Global Online Publishing Course facilitated by Val Waldeck, which was ultimately the tool God used to birth the book. Rae was also part of the team involved in the initial editing process.
Rae wrote this testimonial which is immortalized in the book: Abigail uses her Life experiences in testifying to God’s goodness and His mercy, in not only overcoming her dreadful past and experiences, but turning them around to help others to come out of the Pit and into the Palace of God’s Love and usefulness to Him. This book will encourage you that no situation, however seemingly difficult, is hopeless, but redeemable in Christ. Rachel Leeman, Cape Town, South Africa
Rae Leeman was a mighty prayer warrior, awesome God fearing mentor, and faithful friend. She carried me in prayer, and ministered God’s healing Word to me through many dark times, for over a decade!
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31: 26;30
Only in eternity will Rae Leeman know the full impact her ministry had on my life. I salute you Rae Leeman you were a true gift to The Body Of Christ and I love and miss you my friend. Looking forward to seeing you in Eternity on that glorious day!
To find out how I escaped from a life of despair and hopeless, and now live my life on purpose and with purpose, get your copy of this inspiring true story by clicking on the links below ?
May this inspiring true story help you on your journey to wholeness and purpose.